

How To Stop Beating Yourself Up

When was the last time you heard from your inner critic? You know, that voice in your head that constantly judges you, puts you down and compares you to others. The one that tells you you’re not good enough or smart enough and says things you would never dream of saying to another person.Now you may think this inner critic, while annoying,...[ read more ]

5 Signs That You Might be Struggling with Anxiety

It’s normal to feel anxious from time to time. Perhaps you get a bit nervous speaking in front of people or going on a job interview. But for some people, anxiety becomes a frequent and forceful occurrence that completely takes over their lives.Since anxiety comes in many forms, for instance panic attacks, phobias and social anxiety, it can often be...[ read more ]

3 Ways to Stop Enabling Your Adult Child

According to the latest census data, more than half of people aged 18 to 24 live with their parents, and roughly 13% of adults ages 24 to 35 do as well. While many of these young people are hard-working individuals, trying to save money to pay off school loans, buy a house, or start a business, some are simply children...[ read more ]

Why Compliments Don’t Boost Self Esteem

When a loved one is suffering from low self-esteem, it’s hard to know what to say. Naturally you want them to see themselves as you see them. You want them to feel joyful about the reality of who they are, not be mired down in the falsities they insist are truths.In the past, you may have tried showering them with compliments, only to wonder...[ read more ]

How to Create an Authentic Life

If creating an authentic life were easy, everyone would be doing it. Sadly, life has a way of pushing us off track, having us focus on extrinsic motivations as opposed to our intrinsic desires and dreams. Why does this happen?When we’re young, no one really tells us the importance of living authentically. We’re told other things are important, like getting...[ read more ]

Low Self-Esteem: What is it? What to Do About it

Self-esteem is an opinion we have of ourselves; a way of placing value on ourselves as people. While we may voice characteristics such as “I’m American” or “I have brown eyes,” these are facts that don’t carry a negative or positive connotation.A low self-esteem suggests we carry a negative opinion of ourselves. For example, “I’m unattractive” or “I’m not good...[ read more ]

What No One Tells You About Therapy (But Should!)

It is said we fear the unknown, which is why many people shy away from receiving therapy. It can be intimidating walking into your therapist’s office for the very first time, not knowing what to expect.On the flip side, some people assume they know everything about therapy and are then quite surprised when receiving treatment.The thing is, though therapy is not as...[ read more ]

Why Timing is Everything When it Comes to Marriage Counseling

Seeking help from a marriage counselor is not unlike seeking help from a mechanic. It makes little sense to take your car into the shop a month after it started making a horrific noise. By that time, too much damage may have been done and your engine may be beyond repair.By the same token, the effectiveness of marriage counseling is directly related...[ read more ]

3 Ways Therapy Helps You Address Anxiety

Millions of people deal with stress and anxiety on a daily basis. Whether it’s a result of phobias, depressions, or post-traumatic stress, anxiety can take a toll on our mind and health.If you deal with anxiety you most likely have looked into ways you can help calm your emotional rollercoaster. Perhaps you’ve even tried some self-help techniques in the past....[ read more ]

4 Common Concerns About Starting Therapy

You might be ready to seek out therapy because you are struggling with some specific issue, or you might be experiencing that sense of being overwhelmed with excessive and seemingly uncontrollable and repetitive worries. The decision to begin therapy is fraught with fear, ambivalence and shame. Today’s popular culture promotes wellness and at the same time mental health is stigmatized....[ read more ]

Alli Glorioso, MA, LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor

15050 Elderberry Lane, Suite 4
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 789-8464

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